Yusuf On SecuritySecurity news, opinion and advice

148 – What is the Dark Web?

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In episode 148 we look inside the mysterious world of the Dark Web. The Dark Web is a hidden area of the Internet that is often obscured by mystery and intrigue to many, and it is unlike standard search engines and browsing destination. I will try to deconstruct this covert network and make you aware of what makes it different from the surface web and how it functions. By doing so, we will shed light on its importance and the consequences it bears for today’s digital world.

  • Exploit for critical Windows defender by-pass goes public
  • Memory Tagging Extension (MTE) technology by google and partners

– https://msrc.microsoft.com: Windows SmartScreen Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability
 https://nvd.nist.gov: CVE-2023-36025 details
– https://security.googleblog.com: MTE – The promising path forward for memory safety 

https://blog.talosintelligence.com: What is the Dark Web
– https://en.wikipedia.org: The Dark Web

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