Security news, opinion and advice


193 – Microsoft Windows Architecture 

Today we’re going to peel back the layers of Microsoft Windows architecture. For many of us, Windows has been a part of our computing lives for decades, whether at work or at home. But how much do we really know about how it works under the hood? In...

192 – APIs and Webhooks

In today’s episode, we’re diving into the world of APIs and Webhooks—two key technologies that power much of the automation and interaction between services online. Whether you’re a developer, security expert, or someone just curious about how...

190 – DevSecOps

n this episode lets look at the world of DevSecOps—a vital practice in modern software development that has implication on security. We’ll trace the history of software development, discuss the evolution of methodologies, and examine the challenges...

188 – Yubikey Vulnerability

In this episode we’re diving into an important topic that concerns one of the most trusted hardware security tokens on the market—the YubiKey 5 series. We’ll discuss a recently discovered vulnerability affecting YubiKeys and go over what it means...

186 – The New NIST Framework 2.0

In today episode we’re diving into something that’s been making waves in the cybersecurity community—NIST Cybersecurity Framework 2.0.The NIST Cybersecurity Framework has long been a cornerstone for building robust security practices, and with the...