Yusuf On SecuritySecurity news, opinion and advice

122 – Inside the Cyber Underworld – How Cybercriminals Join Forces for Profit – Part 1

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It is true, there is no loyalty between criminals but there is a profit to be made between them.
How exactly cybercriminals join forces for profit?

We will answer that question in this week’s episode as we uncover the secret collaborations of cybercrime and delve into the intricate web of connections, strategies, and specialized roles in the world of cybercrime. From hackers to phishers and money mules, we’ll demystify their collaborative nature.

But before that, we will recap other trending security news including:

  • SMB Relay Attack and what Microsoft is doing about it
  • A wave of SMS Phishing Campaign Aimed at a Middle Eastern Country. We’ll find out more about this.

– https://www.e ropol.europa.eu: Joint Cybercrime action Task force
https://www.darkreading.com: PostalFurious sms attacks target UAE Citizens data theft
https://blogs.windows.com: Announcing Windows 11 insider preview build-25381/
https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/How to defend users from interception attacks via SMB client
– https://blog.talosintelligence.com:Talos year in review 2022

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