Yusuf On SecuritySecurity news, opinion and advice

126 – Unmasking cyber threats – The power of cyber Threat Intel

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Cybercriminals are constantly adapting their tactics, making it crucial for organizations and individuals to stay one step ahead. That’s where cyber threat intelligence comes in.

Whether you’re a cybersecurity professional looking to deepen your knowledge or an individual seeking to protect yourself in an increasingly connected world, this episode will provide you with valuable insights and practical strategies.

But before that, we will recap other  trending  security news  including:

  • MITRE Announces Most Dangerous Software Weaknesses
  • Who is dominating the ransomeware landscape?

– https://www.cisa.gov: 2023 CWE Top 25 most dangerous software weaknesses
– https://www.acronis.com: Acronis mid-year cyberthreats report 2023
– https://www.cisco.com: What ciscyber threat intelligence

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