Yusuf On SecuritySecurity news, opinion and advice

139 – Initial Access – When the Rubber Hits the Road During the Attack Phases – Part 2

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Today’s episode is a continuation of what we’ve started last week: Initial Access. This is part 2. 
And as I said, it truly is the point where the rubber hits the road when it comes to the important stages to look out for during an attack. Thoroughly investigation the Initial Access stage allows us finding how an attacker made their way into our environment.

But before that here are the topics of what is trending this week:

  • Microsoft brings in Passkey
  • UK’s NCSA nudging governments on setting their similar organisation

– https://www.europol.europa.eu: Cyber-attacks: the apex of crime-as-a-service (IOCTA 2023)
– https://www.reuters.com: Power influence notoriety Gen-Z hackers who struckM-Caesars
– https://www.lockheedmartin.com/: Cyber-Kill-Chain
– https://attack.mitre.org: ATT&CK
– https://www.darkreading.com: UK ambassador on creating new cybersecurity agencies around the world
 https://blogs.windows.com:The most personal Windows 11 experience begins-rolling-out-today

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