Yusuf On SecuritySecurity news, opinion and advice

145 – Indication of compromise best practices

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In today’s episode, we’re shedding light on a critical yet often overlooked aspect of cybersecurity – Indications of Compromise, also known as IOCs. These vital pieces of forensic data can be the canary in the coal mine, alerting us to potential network intrusions before they wreak havoc on our systems.

We’ll discuss what IOCs are, why they are essential, and how you can use them proactively to enhance your cybersecurity strategy.

But first, a quick look on what is top of mind in the security news this week.

  • NCSC releases more details designed to help organisations how to migrate to post-quantum crypto
  • The source of Okta breach….no price for guessing

– https://www.ncsc.gov.uk: Next steps preparing for post quantum cryptography
– https://www.linkedin.com: Okta data breach lesson browser security
– https://www.scmagazine.com: Okta breach linked to workers personal google account
– https://www.attackiq.com: Pyramid of pain
– https://github.com/Cisco-Talos: IOCs
– https://sec.cloudapps.cisco.com: Indication Of Compromise Reference Guide

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