Yusuf On SecuritySecurity news, opinion and advice

166 – The SysInternal Utilities

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This week we will dive into a collection of powerful system utilities and tools designed to help users diagnose, troubleshoot, and monitor Windows operating system.
These utilities provide advanced functionality beyond what is typically available in Windows, as they offer insights into system internals, processes, file systems, networking, and more.

But before we dig into these gems, lets touch one important top trending piece of news. And that is:

  • There is a Post Authentication Stack Overflow on a NetGear Router.

– https://blog.talosintelligence.com: Netgear wireless router open to code execution after buffer overflow vulnerability
Netgear RAX30 JSON Parsing getblockschedule() stack-based buffer overflow vulnerability
– https://kb.netgear.com: Security Advisory for Post Authentication Stack-Overflow on the RAX30
– https://learn.microsoft.com: PSTools
– https://learn.microsoft.com: SysInternals
– https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki: Mark Russinovich

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