Yusuf On SecuritySecurity news, opinion and advice

171 – Remote Browser Isolation

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In this week’s episode, we will be exploring the fascinating world of remote browser isolation technology or RBI as it appreciated. We will delve into what remote browser isolation is, how it works, and the limitations it faces. Join us as we uncover the complexities of this innovative cybersecurity approach, shedding light on its benefits and challenges. Whether you are new to the concept or a seasoned professional, there is something here for everyone. 

Having said that and before we get into RBI, lets turn to a couple of top trending news this week and they are:

  • Dell data breach, 49 million customer records stolen

– https://techcrunch.com: Threat Actor Scraped- 49M Dell customer Addresses Before The Company Found Out
– https://www.w3.org: Introduction to DOM
– https://en.wikipedia.org: Browser Isolation

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